How to Get Rid of Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

Excessive belly fat can be detrimental and harmful to your self-image, health and self-esteem. While there is no “magic bullet” that targets abdominal fat specifically, this article provides information on how to get rid of belly fat in 2 weeks. Through a combination of hard work, exercise and specific nutritious food, it is possible.

Foods that Fight Belly Fat

Eating healthy food doesn’t mean you’re stuck eating food that isn’t delicious! There is a huge variety of foods that are great for both your taste buds and your waistline. They can help you fight belly fat and many of these foods may already be a part of what you enjoy eating regularly.




10 grams of monosaturated fats to keep you from storing excess belly fat. Helps with the absorption of carotenoids to fight cancer cells.


422 mg of potassium help eliminate excess belly-swelling sodium.


Promotes growth of good bacteria that supports digestive health. Greek yogurt helps stabilize insulin levels.


The antioxidants in berries improve blood flow to supply muscles with more oxygen. This helps you have more endurance to work out longer.

Chocolate Skim Milk

A great post workout drink for speedy recovery of muscles due to the combination of carbohydrates and proteins.

Green Tea

Three cups each day will rev up your metabolism. The compound ECGC helps burn up fat.


Vitamin C in colorful produce like oranges and bell peppers can help you burn up to 30% more fat during a workout.

Whole Grains

Fiber helps keep insulin levels low so you don’t retain excess fats and sugars. The result is longer lasting energy and shrunken fat cells.

Daily Abdominal Exercise Routines

These workouts target core muscles, tightening the abdominals and giving you a smaller and flatter stomach. Do two sets of each of the moves in this 20-minute workout twice a week and say goodbye to that belly fat that’s been lingering.

Lunge Twist


  1. Feet need to be the same width with hip, bend knees slightly and elbows at 90-degree angles by your hips.
  2. Lunge your right leg forward while rotating your arms and torso to the right.
  3. Quickly rotate arms and torso back and push off the right foot to the start position.
  4. Do 16 sets and alternate between your right and left sides.

Step Hop


  1. Feet need to be the same width with hip, slightly bend knees, and put hands on your hips.
  2. Step forward on your right foot and lift your left knee to the same level with hip while hopping straight up on that right leg.
  3. Land with your feet together and knees slightly bent.
  4. Do 16 sets and alternate between the right and the left.

Shot Put


  1. Keep feet the same width with hip, bend your right elbow with your hand by your ear. Put your left arm out at the same level of shoulder.
  2. Lunge to the right with your right leg and rotate your torso to the right.
  3. Push your right foot off while pivoting to the left.
  4. Diagonally extend your right arm (like throwing a shot).
  5. Do 16 sets and alternate from side to side.

Lunge Reach


  1. Keep feet the same width with hip, slightly bend your knees and put arms by your sides.
  2. Lunge your left leg forward and bend both knees at 90 degrees. Reach your arms straight towards the floor.
  3. Push off the ground explosively with your left leg and return to the starting position while lifting your arms overhead straightly.
  4. Do 8 sets, then switch sides and repeat another 8 sets.

Hands-up Hop


  1. Keep feet the same width with hip, slightly bend your knees and hands on your hips.
  2. Step the left foot forward while lifting your right knee to the level of hip as you hop up on the left leg and straightly extend your arms overhead.
  3. Land with your feet together, knees bent slightly and hands on your hips.
  4. Do 20 sets and alternate from side to side.

Discus Throw


  1. Keep feet the same width with hip, extend arms out to the sides at the shoulder level.
  2. Lunge forward to right with your right leg and rotate your torso to the right.
  3. Quickly shift your weight to the left leg, keep knee slightly bent, and push the left foot off to hop up while turning to left and swinging your right arm (like throwing a discus).
  4. Do 10 sets, then switch sides and repeat your sets.

Jump Lunge


  1. Keep feet the same width with hip, slightly bend your knees, and extend your arms overhead.
  2. Lunge your left leg forward and bend both knees at 90 degree angles.
  3. Jump straight upward and switch your legs midair so that when you land you are now lunging with the right leg forward.
  4. Do 12 sets and continue alternating between the right and the left.

Squat Jump


  1. Keep feet the same width with hip, slightly bend your knees, and your hands by your sides.
  2. Squat while keeping your knees behind your toes, jump straight up while lifting your arms overhead.
  3. Land with a squat position while extend your arms overhead.
  4. Lower your arms to your sides.
  5. Do 12 sets.

Hammer Hoist



  1. Keep your feet slightly wider than shoulder. Clasp your hands in front of your thighs.
  2. Squat, keeping your knees behind your toes. Reach your arms back slightly between your legs.
  3. Jump up straightly and bring your arms overhead (like hoisting a heavy mallet).
  4. Land in your starting position.
  5. Do 12 sets.

You can learn more: Kate middleton diet and exercise

Lose Weight by walking

“Walking is a refreshing alternative to complicated aerobic routines and overpriced gym memberships.” It is a free and enjoyable activity that is already a part of everyday life. All anyone needs to do is practice the correct techniques, add a little more speed and a little more time to your walking and you will see yourself begin to lose weight. How to walk for best weight loss results?

Don't miss:1000 calorie diet

Can Walking Alone Lose Weight?

There is actually quite a bit of evidence that leans towards the benefits of walking. Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh recently found that overweight study subjects who walked briskly as their form of exercise for anywhere from 30 to 60 a day, showed signs of weight loss without changing other lifestyle habits.

Adding just 30 minutes of brisk walking to your day can help you burn up to 150 more calories than you would if you did not do physical activity. Be sure to add intensity to you walking gradually. The faster your pace and the more you move your body, the more calories you can burn during your workout.

Keep a balanced pace and do not try to overdo yourself. Injury can happen when you least expect it and will definitely throw you off if you’re on a fitness and weight loss plan. Work on building up your endurance over time to be able to handle more vigorous workouts.

How Can You Walk to Lose Weight?

1. Try Different Walking Styles

Walking Style

Why and How

Meet-You-There Walk


Walk instead of drive from your home to meet your spouse or friend at the store. Say you can walk 2-3 miles, draw a loop that maps out that distance around your house and try the different routes that can take you to different stores and establishments.

Errand Walk


Some people don’t feel they have the time to exercise, but think of what you do: grocery shop, visit the ATM, go to the post office. Grab a bag to carry and walk to the places you need to go. Most people live within walking distance of their local grocery store or bank. If you drive to the store, park as far as you can and walk briskly both ways.

Reverse Walk


Break your habits by walking different paths or directions on occasion. Walking in the reverse direction not only kills boredom but can strengthen your physical balance. Go left at the end of your street instead of right. Make an effort to notice new things in the surroundings.

I'm-So-Mad Walk


The emotions you feel will help you to keep a quicker pace while you walk and, in turn, the walking will help you release some of your stress hormones. Take a friend so you can have someone to burn off steam with.

Nordic walk


Using ski-like poles for this exercise causes more arm and body movement to help burn extra calories while you walk. You are pushed to pick up the pace and workout harder without you even realizing it. On average, people burn 20% more calories when they use poles.

2. Vary the Terrain

Add hills to your route or workout to increase the overall calorie burn. When you go downhill you get an even better workout on your leg muscles as they contract to slow your descent and work against gravitational pull.

Softer surfaces require more energy than something like a sidewalk, as they mould with your foot. Every time you step down, you push that much harder to lift your leg again for the next step. Walking on rocky or uneven ground can offer even more benefits to muscle strength and physical exertion. Physiologists at the Oregon Research Institute have done studies that found walking on cobblestones can lower blood pressure and improve balance. Uneven surfaces are thought to stimulate acupressure points on the soles of your feet which regulate overall blood pressure. The challenge of uneven surfaces also helps burn more calories.

20 Best Weight Loss Exercises For Women ( part B)

11. Yoga


 Calories Burned Per Hour: 150-200

Okay, so you don’t burn off many calories while doing a yoga class but that doesn’t mean it’s not good for helping you to lose weight. Stretching with help to increase your flexibility and strengthen your muscles and yoga really does help ease any anxiety you may have and relieve stress too.

12. Kickboxing


Calories Burned Per Hour: 600

This exercise is so much fun when it comes to losing weight and you feel like such a bad ass when you’re doing it. I’m not going to lie, it’s hard work and you’ll feel exhausted when your session is up but you’ll feel all the better for it. Few things feel as good as a decent workout and kickbozing does just that.

13. Rowing


Calories Burned Per Hour: 500-600

I love rowing! Firstly because it’s so much fun and secondly because of the wonderful things it does for my arms and abs. If there’s a rowing club near you, I highly recommend you pop down and give it a go. Joining a club is a great way for you to socialise and get fit at the same time too! If that’s not an option then you can always just hop on a static rowing machine. Sure, the benefits aren’t quite as good but you’ll still burn loads of calories and tone up too!

14. Step Aerobics


Calories Burned Per Hour: 800

That’s right, you don’t have to read that again, step aerobics can burn up to a whopping 800 calories per hour! Step aerobics is great for targeting your bum, hips and thighs – in other words, all those problem areas we could do with seeing shrink! Even better, not only is step aerobics great for helping you to shed the pounds, it’s also incredibly fun too. Get some good tunes on the radio, start your session and you’ll find the minutes ticking by quicker than ever. To see the best results, I recommend doing an hour per day but if that sounds like a bit much for you then try breaking it down into two half hour sessions – even four fifteen minute sessions will get the calories burning.

15. Football


Calories Burned Per Hour: 400

Move over men, football is for the ladies too! I love having a kick-about even if I don’t take it too seriously. That said, playing football is a great way to tone your legs and burn calories. You don’t have to join a clue or anything too serious, just grab a couple of friends and hit the field or even take your kids down and chase after them while they play. You’ll feel exhausted by the end but you’ll have had a great time too.

16. Weight Training


Calories Burned Per Hour: 200

I know, I know, you don’t want to look bulky so why would you weight train. First off, forget that notion. Weight training makes you look lean, not bulky. Secondly, muscle burns off calories faster than fat so tell me, why wouldn’t you want to lift a few weights? While you can burn 200 calories per hour, it’s worth noting that it’s only recommended that you do 35-40 minutes three times per week so you don’t over do it.

17. Housework


Calories Burned Per Hour: 200

Well, we may all hate housework but that’s not to say it’s not without it’s benefits. The next time you’re lugging the hoover around or getting frustrated as you pick up everyone’s mess from the floor, just think about all the calories you’re burning while doing it! Housework may not be glamorous but at least it’s helping you to shape up.

18. Gardening

Calories Burned Per Hour: 350

Gardening is so therapeutic and it’s great for helping you to lose weight too. Think about all the hard work you’re doing while you’re planing those tasty fruits and vegetables? You’re burning calories and growing yourself a nice healthy meal!

19. Walking


Calories Burned Per Hour: 300-400

Walking is one of those exercises that may well burn more time than calories but all the same it’s still great for helping us to lose weight. Not all of us are up for a gym session or are even sporty in the slightest for that matter so a brusque walk is a great alternative. It’s leisurely and it’s something that most all of us can fit into our daily routines. You don’t have to venture out on a long walk or hike, simply walking to work or the shops is an easy change you can make that will also help you with your weight loss goals.

20. Hiking

Calories Burned Per Hour: 400-450

If gentle walking isn’t adventurous enough for you then hit the hills and head out for a hike. Tackling steeper hills will help you to burn calories faster and will help to shape and strengthen your legs. As well as being good for you, hiking is a great way for you to get out, clear your head and see some amazing views. Why not check out what hiking trails are near you and find out what wonders you can see?

So there you have it, ladies, 20 of the best exercises to help you to lose weight. Now all there is to be done is to go out there and do them. Best of luck and enjoy!

Preview article: 20 Best Weight Loss Exercises For Women ( part A)

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20 Best Weight Loss Exercises For Women ( part A)

Weight loss is  eighty percent nutrition and twenty percent exercise but, that said, you’d be surprised just how important that twenty percent is. As you know many diet plan such as:abc diet, 1000 calories,....

Seriously, without it those extra pounds are going no where. But (and I’m sorry to have to tell you!) doing any old exercise and hoping for the best just isn’t enough. Not all exercises are equal when it comes to helping you lose weight – in fact, a lot of exercises simply burn more of your time than they do calories, meaning you’re not losing weight, you’re wasting the day and, ultimately, you’re likely to become demotivated and quit. That’s why it’s important to focus on doing the right exercises (don’t worry, they do exist!) – one’s that will help you tone up, slim down and drop the pounds. Interested? I though you might be! Here’s the twenty best weight loss exercises for women and why they’re great for you…

1. Tennis


Calories Burned Per Hour: 800

Tennis is a great sport for helping you to burn off calories. You do so much running around it’s great for shaping your legs too! Because it’s a social sport, you’re likely to find yourself wanting to work at it longer too, giving you an even better workout. Plus, it’s harder to bail out of if you’ve made plan with a friend too whereas a gym session you can easy skip.

2. Dancing


Calories Burned Per Hour: 600-800

If, like me, you can’t resist dancing in your chair when your favourite song comes on then maybe dancing may be the best way for you to lose weight. It’s so easy and ridiculously fun too. No, I’m not talking about you joining a class (though it’s always an option), simply get your favourite CD turned up high and dance around your room. It’s fun, it’s great for helping you to lose weight and it’s also a great stress reliever. Where’s the downside?

3. Trampolining


Calories Burned Per Hour: 400

This is officially my favourite exercise on the list. Trampolining is ridiculously fun and is great for helping you lose weight and tone up. It’s so easy too, all you have to do is bounce and you’ll be burning off calories. If you’re feeling adventurous then you can always try and learn a few tricks too – just be careful if you do!

4. Elliptical Trainer


Calories Burned Per Hour: 600

Okay, so this may not be the highest burning calorie exercise on the list but it’s definitely one of my favourites. And, I’d like to point out that while it burns an average of 600 calories per hour, I’ve known myself burn off between 800 and 900 calories in an hour so, as with everything, it depends a lot on you. Anyway, the elliptical trainer as fab for building lean, strong legs and is incredible at toning your stomach. If you’ve got some music to listen to or a TV in front of you you’ll be surprised at how lost you get in the moment, meaning you’ll go for longer and that weight will come off even quicker. I will say, when I was new to the elliptical trainer I found it hell at first – seriously, just ten minutes was a killer. After a handful of sessions though I was going at it with the best of them and burning calories like there was no tomorrow!

5. Bicycling


Calories Burned Per Hour: 500-1000

Depending on how fast you go, you can burn between 500 and 1000 calories per hour just by cycling. It’s a great leisure exercise too, especially if you have some beautiful countryside in your area. As you can imagine, cycling is great for toning your legs but so long as you’re burning calories you’re helping your entire body. If you’re not much of an outdoor chic, there’s adverse weather, you have nowhere outdoor to go or you’re simply time restricted, you can always invest in a static bicycle. They’re not quite as good for you as the real thing but seeing as we can use them while watching TV we’re not complaining! If you’re a gym member, changes are they’ll have a static bike that you can use so why not check it out? One major plus with static bikes is that a lot of them will measure roughly how many calories you burn so you can keep track too.

6. Exercise DVDs


Calories Burned Per Hour: 300-500

I’m sure you’ve all been wondering about exercise DVDs and how well they work. For any dieter they just look like such an easy fun option, right? Well, they are but the truth is they are what you make of them. You have to put all your effort into perfecting the moves or else you’re going no where. My best recommendation is to get some form of high energy DVD like a dance or cardio one – you’ll burn more calories and see results quicker.

7. Running


Calories Burned Per Hour: 500-600

Running may just be one of the best exercises out there for you. As well as helping you to burn calories it tones your legs like few other things do, it tightens your abs, it helps you get a healthy heart and lungs and it’s also an amazing stress reliever. You get so much thinking done while you’re jogging and can take your stress out with every footfall.


8. Horse Riding


Calories Burned Per Hour: 200-600

How do you fancy toning your abs, butt and thighs, all while burning calories and enjoying nature? Sounds good, right? Well, by simply hopping on a horse you’ll be doing just that. You don’t have to go often (especially seeing as ‘often’ isn’t achievable for a lot of us), simply visiting your local stables once a week will be a great way to kickstart your weight loss.

9. Swimming


Calories Burned Per Hour: 800

Swimming is another fab exercise to help you shed those extra pounds. Again, it depends on how fast you swim but you’re likely looking at burning 800 calories per hour if you stick to doing lengths of your local pool. As well as helping you to burn off loads of calories, swimming is one of the best exercises for helping you to tone your entire body. It works all your muscles, even the ones you rarely use, so as well as helping you to lose weight it tones you too. Even better? If you’ve got enough time after you’re done, you can lounge about in the steam room – talk about motivation!

10. Zumba!


Calories Burned Per Hour: 500

If you’re not disciplined enough to simply dance around your house like I mentioned earlier then why not sign up to a Zumba class? Even if you’re uncoordinated, it’s still incredibly fun and burns off a tonne of calories too! Take a friend along and you’ll find it even more enjoyable.

 Read more: 20 Best Weight Loss Exercises For Women ( part B)


A Quick Weight-Loss Strategy That Won't Backfire

Summer, spring is in full swing, which means you may be putting pressure on yourself to slim down before summer. Weight loss can happen in just few weeks, but some strategies work better than others. We have two expert-recommended tricks that will rev up your metabolism, zap fat fast, and set you on a clear course toward slim well before summer actually starts. Let's do this!
First, grab a bowl: You're going to be eating a lot of soup. “To make a big, lasting impact on your weight, eat a diet that features fresh seasonal produce; basically a lot of vegetables in the form of soup,” Mary Hartley, R.D., of New York City. “Broth-based soups are quite filling, very low in calories, and full of nutrients, especially in the spring. Add beans and whole grains to make it a full meal.”

The idea of soup in the spring and summer may not seem as appealing as it is in the cooler months, but don't forget about cold soups. Not only are they full of fresh produce, but chilled soups like gazpacho can be quite refreshing in warmer weather.

Homemade soup is best: “To eat clean, I recommend cooking your own food as much as possible so you can control the ingredients you eat,” says Hartley. Skip anything with “bisque” in the name, or butter or cream in the recipe. And be sure to make a large batch: One big pot can feed you for several days, which adds up to less overall effort and more overall weight loss. Win-win!
Of course, a change in diet alone will only get you so far. Adding small bursts of exercise to your routine will help you lose more weight, all without making you sweaty or hungry.
Lauren Martin, a NESTA-certified personal trainer in Boulder, CO, suggests zapping calories and enjoying the warming weather by taking few short walks throughout the day. “Even if you only walk for ten minutes at a time, at the end of the day those breaks can add up,” she says. Add 30 more minutes of walking each day, and after a single week you'll have zapped nearly 1,000 extra calories.
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By moving more and eating less, you'll see the number on the scale start rolling back almost instantly. But because neither of these strategies is “extreme,” you're more likely to stick with them and see the results last, even when you ease up and switch to other healthy habits, like eating salads or seafood or hitting the gym during lunch. So go ahead and start small by making just these two changes as you prepare for summer. It won't feel like a lot of effort, and the results will definitely add up.

5 Rules Every Top Diet Follows

Now, ratings groups such as : Consumer Reports and U.S. News poll health experts and actual dieters to find out which diets are most effective. And year after year certain diets always rise to the top: Weight Watchers, the Dash Diet, the Mediterranean Diet, the Mayo Clinic Diet, and eating clean are among those that tend to score high for their effectiveness, ease, and safety. What common features set these and other winning diets apart from the rest? Here are five good rules the top diets all follow:

 1.They push produce

The usual recommendation to eat five servings of produce each day doesn’t cut it. We actually need seven to nine portions of fruit and vegetables a day, especially when dieting. Vegetables and fruit are fat-free and ultra low in calories. When you focus on adding produce (instead of cutting out anything), your calorie intake drops naturally and your health quotient rises, all without feelings of deprivation setting in. The Dash Diet and Mediterranean Diets are full of vegetables, fruits, and other plant-based foods.

2.They Prescribe Portion Control

Portion control is the companion of moderation. Eating until you're satiated but not stuffed is associated with feeling more energy and less distress after meals. Plus, by eating smaller portions, the body becomes conditioned to feel "full" with smaller amounts of food. The easiest way to control portions at home is by using small plates, bowls, cups, and glasses. At restaurants, order appetizers and sides instead of an entree or to share an entree with a friend. By resetting how much you think of as a serving of food, you'll automatically eat less over time.

3. They Allow Room for Treats

Research shows that rigid diets with lots rules about what not to eat are associated with eating disorders, mood disturbances, and, ultimately, failure to maintain lost weight. The good diets are flexible enough to offer opportunities to practice decision-making in the real world. Some diets call it healthy cheating, other call it a reward, others say it's everything in moderation. But no matter how a diet details this rule-bending, fitting in the occasional indulgence actually makes sticking to your diet easier the rest of the time.

4. They Build in Social Support

“Monkey see, monkey do.” Humans have a basic desire to mimic, and we subconsciously copy the behaviors of our friends. That's why you should expect to be as fat—or as slim—as your companions. Research shows that dieters achieve greater weight loss when they are supported by fellow dieters and healthy pals. And it doesn’t matter whether supportive friends lived nearby or far away. That’s why both online and in-person support groups work. Having support during failures and successes makes you feel like you're not in it alone, which can help you stick with a plan even when the going gets tough.

5. They Add More Movement

When it comes to losing weight, eating fewer calories is more important than moving more. But for keeping weight off, regular physical activity is the key. The best diet plans all promote moderate physical activity. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, around 30 minutes of exercise each day is a great place to start. Walking to work and then back home fits the bill. All of the top diets encourage this sort of exercise in their plans, and many add even more.

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