20 Best Weight Loss Exercises For Women ( part B)

11. Yoga


 Calories Burned Per Hour: 150-200

Okay, so you don’t burn off many calories while doing a yoga class but that doesn’t mean it’s not good for helping you to lose weight. Stretching with help to increase your flexibility and strengthen your muscles and yoga really does help ease any anxiety you may have and relieve stress too.

12. Kickboxing


Calories Burned Per Hour: 600

This exercise is so much fun when it comes to losing weight and you feel like such a bad ass when you’re doing it. I’m not going to lie, it’s hard work and you’ll feel exhausted when your session is up but you’ll feel all the better for it. Few things feel as good as a decent workout and kickbozing does just that.

13. Rowing


Calories Burned Per Hour: 500-600

I love rowing! Firstly because it’s so much fun and secondly because of the wonderful things it does for my arms and abs. If there’s a rowing club near you, I highly recommend you pop down and give it a go. Joining a club is a great way for you to socialise and get fit at the same time too! If that’s not an option then you can always just hop on a static rowing machine. Sure, the benefits aren’t quite as good but you’ll still burn loads of calories and tone up too!

14. Step Aerobics


Calories Burned Per Hour: 800

That’s right, you don’t have to read that again, step aerobics can burn up to a whopping 800 calories per hour! Step aerobics is great for targeting your bum, hips and thighs – in other words, all those problem areas we could do with seeing shrink! Even better, not only is step aerobics great for helping you to shed the pounds, it’s also incredibly fun too. Get some good tunes on the radio, start your session and you’ll find the minutes ticking by quicker than ever. To see the best results, I recommend doing an hour per day but if that sounds like a bit much for you then try breaking it down into two half hour sessions – even four fifteen minute sessions will get the calories burning.

15. Football


Calories Burned Per Hour: 400

Move over men, football is for the ladies too! I love having a kick-about even if I don’t take it too seriously. That said, playing football is a great way to tone your legs and burn calories. You don’t have to join a clue or anything too serious, just grab a couple of friends and hit the field or even take your kids down and chase after them while they play. You’ll feel exhausted by the end but you’ll have had a great time too.

16. Weight Training


Calories Burned Per Hour: 200

I know, I know, you don’t want to look bulky so why would you weight train. First off, forget that notion. Weight training makes you look lean, not bulky. Secondly, muscle burns off calories faster than fat so tell me, why wouldn’t you want to lift a few weights? While you can burn 200 calories per hour, it’s worth noting that it’s only recommended that you do 35-40 minutes three times per week so you don’t over do it.

17. Housework


Calories Burned Per Hour: 200

Well, we may all hate housework but that’s not to say it’s not without it’s benefits. The next time you’re lugging the hoover around or getting frustrated as you pick up everyone’s mess from the floor, just think about all the calories you’re burning while doing it! Housework may not be glamorous but at least it’s helping you to shape up.

18. Gardening

Calories Burned Per Hour: 350

Gardening is so therapeutic and it’s great for helping you to lose weight too. Think about all the hard work you’re doing while you’re planing those tasty fruits and vegetables? You’re burning calories and growing yourself a nice healthy meal!

19. Walking


Calories Burned Per Hour: 300-400

Walking is one of those exercises that may well burn more time than calories but all the same it’s still great for helping us to lose weight. Not all of us are up for a gym session or are even sporty in the slightest for that matter so a brusque walk is a great alternative. It’s leisurely and it’s something that most all of us can fit into our daily routines. You don’t have to venture out on a long walk or hike, simply walking to work or the shops is an easy change you can make that will also help you with your weight loss goals.

20. Hiking

Calories Burned Per Hour: 400-450

If gentle walking isn’t adventurous enough for you then hit the hills and head out for a hike. Tackling steeper hills will help you to burn calories faster and will help to shape and strengthen your legs. As well as being good for you, hiking is a great way for you to get out, clear your head and see some amazing views. Why not check out what hiking trails are near you and find out what wonders you can see?

So there you have it, ladies, 20 of the best exercises to help you to lose weight. Now all there is to be done is to go out there and do them. Best of luck and enjoy!

Preview article: 20 Best Weight Loss Exercises For Women ( part A)

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